“All I Do Is Win!” (but who or what loses?)


I’m plugging through my 1/2 marathon training and I’ve created a 1/2 marathon playlist on my ipod. The fourth song is Dj Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win”. My runs are getting progressively longer, so this song is part of my warm-up. When the song comes on, I get a little more pep in my step and my motivation starts to increase. I’m a very competitive person, but most often, I compete against myself. One line in the song says “All I do is win, win, win, no matter what…”. I have seriously considered how realistic is is for me to train for this race while being a wife, a full-time homeschooling mother of 4, exclusively nursing an infant, and teaching cycle classes. Whenever I hear this song, I recommit to running the race in February. This is a goal worthy of obtaining, but like with most things, there is a cost.

My long run on Friday was 1hour and 50 minutes. The run was on the treadmill and according to my Nike+iPod it was a little over 10 miles. Now, this is where I can use some serious Mamavation! I have 4 runs/week and now that I’m getting closer to my scheduled race, my shortest run is 50 minutes. I’m starting to feel totally exhausted when I get home and trying to muster up the energy to be “Mommy” and “Teacher” is really starting to be a challenge. My husband is fantastic and supportive, but we are literally passing ships when I walk in the door from the gym in the morning and he is on his way to work.

The wonderful thing about homeschooling is the flexibility. I usually like having everything “school” related (and I use that term loosely; a story for another day) completed by lunchtime, but recently, I exercised my authority as an administrator and shuffled some things around as needed. My “power hours” are between 4pm and 8 pm; the only time I have any energy after my workouts. I’ve accepted this unorthodox routine because it’s totally temporary, we will take some time off during the holidays, and hopefully I can rest without any guilt.

Thankfully, my husband didn’t marry me for my housekeeping skills, because while “All I do is win” this is an area that is is truly losing! (and cooking is a close second!). I have redeemed my family and rescued them from the abyss of some thrown together dinners. Tonight was a big score on the healthy meal front; grilled salmon, sauteed green beans, baked butternut squash, mushroom risotto , and wheat dinner rolls!

I continued my routine over Thanksgiving while I was in DC and enjoyed a Β 1.5 hour run around the National Mall during my stay. I’ve lost a little more than 1lb, so now I am about 8lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. This is baby #4 and at 41, this is the quickest I have lost the weight. I attribute it to the running, teaching cycle classes, and my experience with Weight Watchers after baby #3.

This week honestly….I’m just committing to getting out of the bed every morning and staying on my training grind. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are run days and Wednesday and Saturday I will teach a 1 hour cycle class. Water, food tracking, and strength training are all areas that need my attention, but I will be doing good to not come home and stay in bed all day. Here’s to a “winning” week!

**This is Princess #4, who will be 8 months in a few days. She has officially entered the “busy” stage and I’m sure this contributes to my chronic exhaustion. I know I’m biased, but she’s totally worth the interrupted sleep, bags under my eyes, and constant state of delirium, and so are her 3 sisters ;-)**

About offdachainandouttadabox

We are a married couple of 2 with 4 beautiful, smart children, who after 15 years of marriage have decided to join the blog world with a blog that will allow us to present what may be considered to many to be offdachainandouttadabox as it pertains to the areas of marriage, parenting, finances and health & wellness. The offdachain husband will also, against the wishes of his wife, (hence off the chain) post on other subjects from time to time.

25 responses »

  1. Girl! This is so funny b/c that song is my get hype song too. I can’t do gospel when I’m running. I really need the motivation of “gangsta” rap!…LMBO. Sshhh, don’t tell anyone though (I’m supposed to be a pastor’s wife)…lol.
    On another note, the cold weather really threw a wrench in my training and was giving me an excuse not to run. So I bought a treadmill and just got it put together today. I’m so excited! See you in February!!

  2. Dawn you are so utterly, completely amazing! I wish I could give advice but with only one kiddo I’ll just shut my mouth and be in awe of you and all that you do. Good luck. All I can say is keep trying to be as efficient as you can with your dedication to these longer runs. As long as the house is still standing you are doing great πŸ˜‰

  3. aha here’s the comment box! i left this on your about page…

    yeah, it’s hard to balance the kids, husband, job, mommyhood, need for exercise, goals…etc.

    I think you need to do it though. It’s only a couple of months. You’ll be happier once you accomplish it, your kids will see you work hard for something and complete it. Perhaps you could make a lesson plan about your running so they have some part of it?

    Your daughter is so sweet and cute!!

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  5. I haven’t ever heard that song before…I must live under a rock πŸ™‚

    You are really making me feel better about having baby #4 on the way and possibly taking on the home schooling thing. You are an inspiration. I am laughing about the cooking and cleaning because that is exactly what I am going through right now. My husband even baked the kids cookies today because I am lagging behind. Now if only I had something to blame it on I would be set.

    Keep running! You’re doing awesome!!!

    • How exciting!!!
      I really try to make this whole thing work for me. My husband is amazing and supportive, that is really how I can even enjoy this sometimes crazy life. Sometimes it’s hard not to compare myself to other “hard core” homeschooling moms, but I’ve learned to keep the focus on “shepherding” souls and I know they will all know how to read and add 2 plus 2 by the time they are 18 πŸ˜‰

  6. This is some commitment! I am so happy you can re-arrange you school schedule and make it work with the rest of your family life. Keep plugging it – you are a kicking some serious butt

  7. You remind me so much of myself. I’m the same way. I’m very competitive, but I’d rather compete against myself and best myself and push myself. No one pushes me harder than what I can do to me. WAY TO GO! XXOO

    • Thank you! It may sound crazy, but I am considering returning to the gym today so that I can have one complete day of rest before my long run this week (2 hours). Teaching the cycle classes kinda throws off my rest days. I typically only have Sunday as an “off” day. Thanks again for your support.

  8. All I do is win, win, win, no matter what!! That song is awesome and definitely a great way to get your heart pumping and get you motivated for your runs. Wow, I am completely amazed at all that you do. I’m a single mom to one and I’m struggling juggling work, school, and being a single parent. Here you are a mother to 4, a wife, your kids are homeschooled, and you are training for a marathon. What is your secret?? You are on a great path and seems like you are doing everything you need too to get where you need to be for your marathon!!

  9. Dawn you are amazing! Because of you, this morning I’m blowing dust off of my FIRM tapes. Remember when you asked to borrow them? Hehehehe!

    P.S. Have you ever thought about being a personal trainer/guru to soft and spongy stay-at-home moms? You could be the national fitness spokesperson for Mocha Moms and do online consults? Love you!

    • Uhhh…yes! And if I remember correctly, you told me NO!!! That’s ok, I went on to purchase about 3 different Firm series and I’ve had about 3 different Firm boxes!!! HA! lol!!
      Oh…I love the idea of on-line consulting!! I’m working on my marketing campaign right now, me!! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the love, you help put the Mama in my Mamavation! btw…you need to seriously consider applying for one of upcoming sessions.

  10. MY Dear Sweet MM, Fitnees buddy & Sistafriend!!
    My power hours are 4-8pm too and all three boys are gone between 9-1!!!
    Okay, so I need motivation, “mamavation” too bUT I will dish this out. KEEP GOING!!!! This is something you are doing for YOU and then better you are the better everyone is. Dirty house & all πŸ˜‰ The balance comes. Not that I am “all organized” BUT:
    Do lessons plans and have the girls do some independent studies,
    Have them help clean up (this has helped me A LOT recently…hubby did that)
    Cook a LOT when everyone is home (crockpots & leftovers are amazing!)
    Enjoy your runs because you are all alone! πŸ˜‰

    Now..I’m going to follow my own advice & get motivated by you! Love ya!

    • Thank you April for my “WOOSA” moment! We are using a chore chart for help with cleaning and they do pretty good working independently. You are right about enjoying the runs! Please share some crockpot recipes when we get together! I love you too!!

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